Before swallowing an anti-inflammatory to relieve joint pain, it would be good to consider natural solutions.

Even though my grandmother never traveled without her tube of arnica, it is more interesting to learn how to alleviate pain in other ways.

Addressing only the suffering does not allow us to work deeply. We are simply applying a comfort treatment.

Every time the joint no longer causes us pain, we resume normal activity and further damage it. Until the day when the pain resurfaces when the chemical products no longer work.

Before allowing our joints to deteriorate, why not awaken our biological self-repair processes?

Very often, it is a lack of blood circulation in the affected area that prevents the body from doing its job.

The same principle applies to lymphatic circulation, which weakens and no longer has its detoxification power.

eBook & video

▶️ Here is the video that accompanies the brochure in the kit. It illustrates each step of all the protocols provided.

Read this article to understand how to use this wonderful natural healing technique.

Why does Dien·Chan work?

We achieve such good results because the techniques performed with multireflex tools are subtle, gentle, and persistent. They allow us to restore energetic balance quickly through their combined yin and yang effects.

Unlike a simple manual massage, the yin or yang effect of the instruments used in Dien Chan energizes deep activity without heating or damaging the skin. That is why we must choose suitable tools for the specific treatment we wish to perform.

To help you better understand the concept of Yin work and Yang stimulation, refer to the special file at 

Here, we present you with a
yin solution

This means that the proposed protocols are intended for those who suffer from inflammations and joint pain with these types of yang symptoms:

Tendonitis caused by tendon inflammation.

Osteoarthritis due to cartilage wear.

Arthritis, which is joint inflammation.

Gout related to deposits of uric acid crystals in the joint.

Some strains of the flu virus and Chikungunya.

Although this may seem contradictory to some advice recommending the use of heat, we achieve much better results with a yin multireflex tool for this type of discomfort. 

Applying a hot water bottle or massaging with hands aims to improve blood circulation. However, applying heat (yang) can dry out the joint. In our case, we want to stimulate blood and lymphatic flow while promoting internal moisture.

Only yin multireflex tools have the ability to produce these combined effects.

To achieve the best results in Dien Chan, we must differentiate certain symptoms accurately.

The «joint inflammations» kit consists of two tin multireflex tools and a device that stimulates the lymphatic system in the affected area (the Beauty Ova bar).

The eBook is included with the kit. 

You also have the option to purchase the brochure separately as well as each tool individually, a little further down on this page.

Customized kits

This valuable information helps us promote endogenous lubrication and relax ligament and muscle tension. We will also improve blood and lymphatic circulation around the aching joint and complement it with facial multireflexology work.

This «joint inflammations» kit is specifically dedicated to joint pain presenting the following symptoms:

Hot joints.

Dry joints.

Red joints.

Gout flare-up.

Resulting from an impact.

More painful in the morning than in the evening.

Relief with rest.

We will use the yin effects to:

✔︎ Deeply cool down.

🌧 Increase internal lubrication.

💎 Reduce tissue inflammation.

🍃 Treat synovial fluid and connective tissue inflammation.

Calm any hematoma if necessary.

🧘🏼‍♀️ Relax the area.

The Beauty Ova bar will be extremely beneficial in complementing the treatment and working on the lymph nodes. We will also use it to drain fluids upstream and downstream of the affected joint and massage certain facial reflex zones.

We also need to improve the internal lubrication of the affected joints while boosting our immune system.

📌 The eBook explains how to stimulate the energy of the Bladder meridian in facial reflexology. This meridian is important as it runs along the back to the neck.

Additionally, we enhance the treatment by stimulating specific points on the face that correspond to the organs involved in:

Tendon elasticity.

Muscle relaxation.


The immune system.

The relevant bqc·points formulas are provided in the brochure.

By energizing the circulation of vital fluids, without causing stress or damage to the epidermis, we slow down the degradation of cartilage.

The eBook

The step-by-step explanations and illustrations guide you through each phase. The eBook provides illustrated explanations with treatment diagrams and bqc·points maps.

As always, the protocols recommended by the team of Dien Chan experts are suitable for everyone. This means that even if you are a beginner, you can apply the treatment without any contraindications by following the steps.

A little further down on this page, you can purchase some of the tools individually. The kit allows you to get them at a preferential price.

To make each protocol easier to follow, we have divided the proposal into several groups of joints:

✔︎ Small joints (fingers, hands, wrists, etc.)

✔︎ Back joint pain.

✔︎ Large joints (knees, hips, etc.)

✔︎ Neck pain.

Each treatment is described in step-by-step instructions in the order they are presented. The steps are accompanied by direct links to the specific moments in the video that demonstrate the techniques.

You can watch the entire video, but you can also easily navigate to the exact minute where John-Jairo shows the specific action to perform.

The final phase is for those who wish to reinforce the treatment with bqc·points formulas. You can take advantage of these additional indications to strengthen your treatment by stimulating the organ functions related to the condition.

Please use the button below to purchase the eBook only.

yin ball


Bambou Ova bar


Double yin roller


The «Joint inflammation» kits

To cater to different budgets and individual needs, we offer three kits.

You also have the option to purchase only the booklet using this button:

The 3 multireflex tools and the complimentary booklet:

Facial and body: Double yin miniroller nº308.

Facial and body: Beauty Ovum nº373.

Body: Double yin ball nº411.

Free: The eBook and its accompanying video.

The 2 yin instruments and the complimentary booklet:

Body: Double yin ball nº411.

Facial and body: Double yin miniroller nº308.

Free: The eBook and its accompanying video.

The booklet and 2 instruments:

Facial and body: Double yin miniroller nº308.

Facial and body: Beauty Ova bar nº373.

• The ebook and its accompanying video.

Why use multireflex tools?

Without precise instruments, we cannot generate deep yin or yang vibrations while remaining delicate. Working with multireflex tools must always be gentle to avoid damaging the skin.

This is the strength of Dien Chan and Chan'beauté! We are able to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation while refreshing and dispersing (yin) or concentrating and invigorating (yang).

Although it may be confusing for beginners, we make sure to systematically define the concepts in our manuals. We provide clear instructions for each technique to ensure that no one can attribute it to magic.

Try it out, and you will understand!

We will then use the Dien Chan reflex maps to explain the anatomical relationships between facial reflex zones and further enhance our treatment. Whether on the body or on the face, it is crucial to use high-quality instruments with wooden handles to avoid generating disruptive static electricity.

We have chosen mimosa wood, bamboo, and horn sourced from traditional agriculture to ensure that no animals are harmed or raised for this purpose. We prefer genuine horn, as it has been used throughout history, for its antiseptic properties and high therapeutic frequency.

As instruments of elegance and precision, multireflex tools meet professional needs and enhance your daily beauty routines while taking care of your health.


No animals are exploited for their antlers. We only use horns sourced from traditional agricultural practices, and even our vegan clients appreciate this because they know it makes us much more eco-friendly.


All the black tools circulating here and there are made of plastic, despite what some may claim about them being made from buffalo horn.

Here are some useful links:

Learn with a certified Dien Chan teacher in North-America or Europe.

Discover the team of experts of Dien Chan at 

Explore other multireflex tool kits from the top left menu.

The International School of Multireflexology - Dien Chan (ISMDC): 

These links will provide you with valuable information about training opportunities, experts in Dien Chan, additional tool kits, and the International School of Multireflexology - Dien Chan (ISMDC).

How to receive your Dien·Chan kit?

We have been delivering worldwide since 2002 and are the official supplier of the International School of Multireflexology - Dien Chan.

Here's how you can receive your kit:

As we value personal interaction and strive to provide the best assistance, we handle each order delicately. Feel free to contact us via email at or by phone at +33 767 880 190 [France] to place your order.

If you are interested in other Dien Chan tools, our complete DienShop catalog offers detailed information for each tool.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further questions or need assistance.

Why is the eBook in PDF format?

In order to offer the lowest price and maintain an environmentally friendly approach, we prefer to provide the digital version of the booklet.

However, this does not prevent you from printing it if you prefer a physical copy.

By offering the digital format, we aim to reduce paper waste and the carbon footprint associated with printing and shipping. You have the flexibility to choose whether to read the booklet digitally or print it according to your personal preference.

However, the PDF format allows for interactivity

This means that by clicking on the links embedded in the text, you can navigate between pages with just one click (known as cross-references). Additionally, you can explore the internet to access supplementary information that we provide, such as web pages and videos.

In this booklet, you will find numerous links that automatically direct you to the specific minute of the accompanying video that illustrates each step. This feature is incredibly convenient for understanding and reviewing the techniques without wasting time. Other links invite you to visit our own web pages for further information.

Furthermore, opting for a printed booklet would increase the weight of the package, resulting in higher shipping costs, which are already quite high in our opinion. We are not in the business of selling stamps, and no one covers the shipping expenses for free. When others claim to do so, it usually means that the shipping costs are included in their inflated profit margins. However, this is not the case for us because our goal is to make this knowledge accessible to as many enthusiasts as possible.

Let's maintain a serious approach if we want unconventional therapists to be seen in a positive light and not be mistaken for charlatans!

We hope that this Dien Chan kit of solutions can assist you in providing care to your clients and yourself. If you have any further questions or need additional information, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Payment method

We use PayPal as our payment gateway because it is one of the few banks in the world that invests heavily in security. PayPal does not share your data with the merchant.

✅ You are not required to open a PayPal account to make a payment, even if the payment page only offers "open an account" (I know, it's absurd). By selecting "open an account" (if you don't already have one), you can access the card payment gateway, and opening an account is optional.

☀️ If you encounter any issues, please feel free to call us, and we can assist you with the payment over the phone at +33 0767 880 190 [France].

📌 If you prefer to send us a check or make a bank transfer, please email us at and we will provide you with the necessary instructions. Please remember to indicate the kit you would like to order.

Yours in Dien Chan,